How desperately our world needs dreamers

Engr. Korina Mercado
4 min readOct 24, 2021

To quote from one of the best books I’ve read by Barry C. Black, “Nothing to Fear”

Without visionary people, the world is less safe. In the language of the King James Version, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

In our world today, you can see two types of people. The ones who runs after their dreams and the ones who just settle. Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong to settle, we have our own choices and callings. But in this article I’ll be talking to those people who are running after their dreams.

Dear friend, you are called to be a “World Changer!”

Yes, I’m talking to YOU.

We know the drill, we (1) conceptualize; (2) list down all our ideas; (3) dream deeply about it (we’re just so happy thinking what will happen if it’ll come into life) (4) deny the idea (this is not a good idea) (5) believe the idea again (6) execute (7) Number 3 didn’t actually happen.

I know it breaks our hearts but hey, I’m so proud of you for reaching step number 7, not everybody does. Go to the mirror and tell yourself how awesome you are and how awesome your God is!

You failed yes but remember, you’re not alone.

Don’t lose hope because there is still the best part waiting for you.

The number (8) Suddenly, it happened.

If you read my previous article you know the word SUDDENLY.

That word keeps putting a smile on my face. Have you thought of waking up and the possibility of your dream coming into fruition excites you? That promotion, that start-up, that job, that baby, that man/woman of prayers, that health, that abundance. YES! Everything you’ve been praying for!

If you are a World Changer you need to be good on accepting defeats in this life. And If we’re going to deal with defeats we must live with intentionality. As the saying goes, those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

Jesus was goal-oriented, hitting targets for outreach, ministry and evangelism throughout his life. Jesus lived with intentionality and He had a plan.

Those who aim at nothing hit it every time.

In order for you to go through this calling aside from the (1) PLAN, you also need to have (2) COURAGE.

Are you living boldly? Is your journey characterized by courage?

  1. Can you say with the apostle Peter, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water”
  2. Can you walk in the water whenever God calls you?

Why would you live a pedestrian life when you can experience far more fulfillment with the life of faith?

Find guidance in God’s word

The fact is, as people of faith we can be assured that God is in charge of our lives. Psalm 37:23 tell us that, “the Lord directs the steps of the Godly”.Not just the overall journey but the steps. We can trust God’s sovereignty even in a dangerous world because he sees our lives at a glance — — the past, present and future. That dream inside your heart, that dream that you are deeply in love with, the dream that you’re praying for and crying for every night. He knows that, He planted it in your heart.

Nothing surprises him. He said to Jeremiah “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Imagine that. Before Jeremiah was conceived, God already had a challenging plan for his life. We can trust God to bring us to a desired destination by following his providential leading.

GOD EXPECTS US TO BE WORLD CHANGERS, to the lives that matter, to make someone or something different, ensuring that the world is a better place because we lived here.

If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.

I for instance, whenever I share my thoughts and dreams to other people, some will support, some will listen some will turn their back and proceed on what they’re doing. Sometimes, I scare people away. Very few moments that I will inspire people and those moments pushes me.

As long as there are people who believe in you, You go for it! Remember how many people believed Jesus when he started? Remember all the things he went through? Same with our dreams. Just keep believing and keep the faith, stop a bit but always in all ways get back on track. ;)

For those world changers who needs extra push today, let us pray for you:


Lord, make our lives productive for the glory of your name. Use as your witness, and may our testimony motivates more people to follow their calling of being world changers. We wait in reverence before your throne to receive your guidance and follow your commands. Create in us clean hearts while renewing a right spirit within us. Help us today to discern your voice and do your will. We pray in your precious name. Amen.

Hey friends, I hope I shared something fruitful that’ll make you jump out of your bed and let that fire in you burn again to pursue that dream! Don’t give up! Keep believing! Keep the faith you are a World Changer!

This article wouldn’t be possible without Barry C. Blacks’ book “Nothing To Fear”.

Thank you for all these wonderful thoughts that I’m also sharing now.

Hoping to meet you one day!



Engr. Korina Mercado

FWN Global 100 + Operational Excellence Airline Manager + Industrial Engineer + Agile Sigma© + KonsultNZ Founder + Optimize Life Series© Creator